Nonsuch Conservative seat anymore

Posted by David Boothroyd
View David's blog
15 years ago / November 3, 2009

The Liberal Democrats boosted their majority on Sutton borough council in south London on Thursday 2 July, by winning from the Conservatives the third seat in the split ward of Nonsuch. In the full council elections of 2006, Chris Dunlop managed to come top of the poll and was elected alongside two Liberal Democrats, but after his death the Liberal Democrat candidate Gerry Jerome was elected to take the seat.

There was one other byelection yesterday which went previously un-noted: the Conservative candidate Lesley Dedman held on to Ferndown Central ward on East Dorset district council which had previously been held by Queenie Comfort, who resigned to concentrate on being Mayor of Ferndown.

Two Labour councillors on Hartlepool borough council have resigned from the party this week to sit as Independents, citing the ongoing expenses scandal as their reason. Lilian Sutheran represents Rift House ward while Sandra Fenwick represents Dyke House ward. On Blaenau Gwent county borough council, Nantyglo ward councillor Shirley Ford has left the ruling group and gone into opposition, although she remains an Independent councillor.

To follow up last week’s report, Mumshad Ahmed was this week deprived of the Conservative whip on Worcestershire county council where he represents St Georges and St Oswalds division. He has told the local press he will continue as an Independent councillor. Catching up with an old defection, we must report that Marie McNair (councillor for Clydebank Waterfront ward on West Dunbartonshire council) has left the Labour group to sit as an Independent.